Where are the next generation of Sustainability Consultants?

Written by

Dan Coupland - Graduate Sustainability Consultant

To contact please email: dan.coupland@mainer.co.uk

Mainer Associates wants to find the best graduate sustainability consultants to work with. Rather than wait for their CV we are engaging with them much earlier by collaborating with the Manchester Metropolitain University but how?

Mainer Associates is working with the Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) on an Undergraduate Consultancy module because we believe it is a great way to introduce students to a working consultancy. Not only are we giving back to MMU, with whom both Ben and I went to university, but it was how I was able to get a job at Mainer which I started this year.

So, what is MMU’s Undergraduate Consultancy module?

The idea behind collaboration is match students to clients, who then put forward their project questions and students choose which projects they would like to undertake.

For the 2nd year running, Mainer Associates have functioned as a client for a 3rd year Geography and Environmental Science module titled, “Undergraduate Consultancy” at the MMU. As mentioned previously, this is a project close to my heart as last year I was actually one of the students undertaking this unit in my final year.

When I participated in it, I was matched with my client, Ben Wells, who is the Managing Director of Mainer Associates. The project that I decided to get involved in meant we ended up working together to understand the limitations within the energy infrastructure of the UK, in regard to the circular economy. After the module finished, I applied for a job at Mainer, and I am now a graduate sustainability consultant working across an exciting range of projects.

Without the collaboration of MMU and Mainer, this opportunity may never have arisen, so it is really important to both me and Ben that we go back and interact with the next generation of sustainability consultants…and that is exactly what we are doing!

How does the module work?

Then over the course of 4 ½ months, the client will engage with the students on two occasions, advising them on how to steer the project which will culminate in a short presentation as to what has been found, with a view to writing and publishing the report to the client as the end goal.

This offers both the client and student great benefits, as the students are exposed to working for a real client in an industry they might want to eventually work in, and the client gains useful information through which they may not have the resources for.

What has happened so far?

Initially back in October, myself and Ben went in to MMU and spoke to the students face to face which was really useful in engaging with the cohort and explaining to them how important the topics we have asked the students to research are to Mainer as a business, as well as wider societal issues.

After this at the end of October, myself, Ben, and Chris have had our initial meetings with each of our student groups, and we helped define a scope for them to focus their research. This is beneficial for Mainer as we guide the students to help answer the questions we have set, and this gives students less ambiguity as to what they need to research.

Looking to the future

On the 7th of December, myself, Ben, and Chris will have our final meetings with the students who will showcase a 10-minute presentation demonstrating what they have found, and some key statements which they have derived from their research. This will allow us to give them some last-minute feedback and gives us at Mainer a flavour of what we can expect from the final report!

All of our experiences so far with this year’s students have been great and we look forward to reading the reports in the new year and updating you all on how the process has gone!

Ultimately this is a fantastic way to engage with student and hear their thoughts and ideas. It also allowing them an opportunity to collaborate and gain experience from a industry insiders.

Who knows, perhaps next year, I could be shaking your hand as you start your first day of work at Mainer Associates!

If you need to discuss any of the topics raised, please contact us here


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