Building Physics
Our team of sustainability experts can help apply Building Physics to your building and optimise your building’s operational performance.
Building Physics involves the use of computer simulation to better understand the energy demands upon a building in deciding the most energy-efficient approach to servicing. In the context of Building Physics, ‘Compliance’ usually refers to Approved Document Part L, SBEM, SAP and EPCs, and more client led accreditations such as Passive House.
Our cradle to grave approach, seeks to tackle whole lifecycle Carbon efficiency of New Construction or refurbishment projects. Our building physics consultants are able to draw on our experience and expertise of the soft landings process, as part of Design for Performance (DfP).
Knowing the inner workings of the National Calculation Methodology (NCM) together with the respective Notional, Reference and Actual Building can help set you on the path to effective compliance at minimal cost.
Mainer Associates have teams of services engineers, and building physics consultants ready to take your developments to the next level of operational efficiency, through advanced design and handover principles.