Planning Services
Mainer are experts in Planning.
We deliver the following services for our clients:
BREEAM Pre-Assessment
Circular Economy Statement
Climate Resilience Statement
Energy Statement
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Standards Statement
Pre-Demolition Audit
Sustainability Statement
Whole Life Carbon Assessment
Mainer are up to date with all current planning policy requirements and are at the forefront of emerging standards and frameworks. We support planning consultants with a variety of Sustainability Services to help them communicate to the relevant authorities the sustainability credentials of their development.
At Mainer innovation is at our core. We use our in-house data management solution, CarbonCentric, to get the best results out of detailed WLCA submissions.
Scope of Works:
We have considerable experience working to The London standards. Specifically The London Plan.
The London Plan 2021 is the strategic framework for the development of Greater London over the next 20-25 years. It outlines the Mayor's vision for "Good Growth," which aims to ensure that London develops in a sustainable, inclusive, and resilient manner.
The London Plan also includes guidance on implementing these policies to ensure that local borough plans align with the overall strategy for London's development.
The Langfield - A Case Study
The Langfield Scheme is based in London where Mainer provided the following planning services:
Circular Economy Statement
City of Westminster PACER testing
Current Projects:
Mainer Associates have a long history of working on high profile planning applications throughout the UK. We were an integral part of the team that gained planning approval for Monks Cross in York, Godley Green Garden Village in Manchester, and The Langfield and Twickenham Stadium in London.