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Paul Malone Paul Malone

How do EPDs encourage collaboration throughout the supply chain?

Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) play a crucial role in fostering collaboration and sustainability across supply chains. Not only do they provide information, but they can drive positive change by encouraging collaboration and sustainable practices across supply chains. From Developer & Designer through to Contractor, Manufacturer and Supplier, we look at how this collaboration can benefit all.

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Paul Malone Paul Malone

How can developers prepare for Biodiversity Net Gain?

From February 12th 2024 new large developments will require a 10% increase in biodiversity net gain as part of new government legislation under the town and country planning act. Whilst focus has been upon driving buildings to become net zero and carbon neutral the requirement for improved biodiversity will now have to become a key consideration for developers.

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Paul Malone Paul Malone

5 Key Issues that need to be discussed at COP28

COP 28 has officially started in the UAE and is being lauded as a “milestone moment” for the world to take stock of its progress on the Paris Agreement but what key issues should be discussed?

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Paul Malone Paul Malone

The importance of ESG and the benefits it can bring to companies.

ESG is not only relevant for large corporations, but also for small and medium sized enterprises that make up the majority of the global economy. In this article, we will explore why ESG is important for the sustainable development of the world and how it can benefit your company now.

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Paul Malone Paul Malone

Global solutions, helping to shape our future buildings

Global solutions, helping to shape our future buildings

The need for global sustainability cuts across all cultures. How different climates and resources are managed sustainably varies around the world, with varying degrees of success. The following article looks at the sustainable practices in Singapore and the lessons we can take back to the UK.

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Paul Malone Paul Malone

How Can Materials Passports Enable a Circular Economy?

What are Materials Passports?

Materials passports serve as a “passport” of each material installed into a building. This helps building developers, owners and tenants understand what exactly has been installed into the building and how “circular” those materials and products are.

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Paul Malone Paul Malone

10 Ways Architects can include Circular Economy in Future Builds

In recent years, the concept of the circular economy has gained significant traction as a means to combat the growing environmental challenges we face. This paradigm shift in our approach to resource consumption and waste management has found an ideal partner in the world of architecture. Architects, with their ability to envision and create sustainable structures, are playing a pivotal role in advancing the principles of the circular economy.

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Paul Malone Paul Malone

EPDs - Trusting the Data

With carbon targets playing an increasingly important role in the construction sector, demand for Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) for products is growing significantly. EPDs inform stakeholders about a products environmental and human health impact throughout its life cycle and can be used to achieve sustainability accreditations such as BREEAM and LEED.

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Paul Malone Paul Malone

LCA and LCC Integration - What is it and why is it important?

Facilitating the integration of LCA options appraisals into LCC works and vice versa, helps design teams understand from an early stage how the design of a building will affect costings, alongside carbon performance metrics. This allows project teams to effectively select design options which consider more than one entity (such as cost and embodied carbon), to provide a basis for a more comprehensive and holistic approach to decision making within building designs.

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Paul Malone Paul Malone

Which Residential Assessment Energy Service?

Residential Energy Assessment is a broad term that can cover a wide range of services, so who better to explain what Mainer has to offer, than our new energy expert Chris Stevens-Barnes.

In this Blog, Mainer sits down with Chris Stevens-Barnes to chat about his experience, why he chose to join to Mainer and how he is expanding our Residential Energy Assessments services.

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Paul Malone Paul Malone

Mainer’s Residential Energy Assessments Services

Mainer Associates have recently taken onboard Chris Stevens-Barnes, a Senior Sustainability Consultant with over a decade of experience in the residential sector.

As a Specialist Sustainability Consultancy, Mainer Associates are delighted to share that Chris will be helping to broaden our in-house capabilities.

This expansion of our services will encompass all aspects of Residential Energy Assessments, which Chris is executing with the aid of our existing experienced team. This will not only enhance the number of services that Mainer Associates provides, but will also help to accelerate Mainer Associates’ vision of a truly sustainable future.

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Paul Malone Paul Malone

Mainer Facilitating BREEAM Outstanding…

Mainer Associates are proud to assist our clients in achieving Design Stage certifications for BREEAM Outstanding – the highest rating a building can achieve within a BREEAM Assessment. We help our clients to consistently realise their targets; in this article, therefore, we present three projects whereby our involvement has helped our clients’ aspirations to become a reality.

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Paul Malone Paul Malone

Celebrating our Mainer Academy Success Stories

Here at Mainer Associates, we believe that investing in young talent is a key facet in the solution towards a sustainable future. This is exactly why we established our Graduate Scheme – the Mainer Academy – in 2022.

The Mainer Academy’s aim is to provide Graduates with the necessary experience for them to thrive in the sustainability sector, whilst working in a consultancy environment for Mainer Associates on live sustainability and built environment projects across the UK.

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Paul Malone Paul Malone

BREEAM Updates: Everything you need to know

Over the past year, the UK has seen two key updates to BREEAM as well as Government review on Net Zero. For individuals working in sustainability for the built environment, these updates are important to consider when completing a BREEAM Assessment.

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Paul Malone Paul Malone

Does your office need good NABERS?

Sky high energy bills have left energy prices at the forefront of household’s minds. The war in Ukraine, and the effect of lockdown lifting, has resulted in the rising wholesale cost of energy – causing many offices to lose vast sums of money. Is your office building one of these?

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Paul Malone Paul Malone

Has Fitwel Gone Mainstream?

2023 is looking to become a pivotal year for how society views the progression and expectations of sustainable real-state and property. Whilst emphasis has been upon driving buildings to become net zero and carbon neutral, there is now a clear demand for health and wellbeing to be considered just as importantly.

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